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Breaking Free From the Boom-Bust Cycle

A self-paced video course with downloadable guides to help you feel productive and engaged in life without overdoing it.

Many women living in pain get stuck in a cycle of doing a LOT on their "good" days and crashing after. This boom-bust cycle starts to take control of their lives.

They might find themselves overpromising, overcommitting, and overactive until their pain is unbearable and they are forced into inactivity. They begin to feel afraid of activities that have always been meaningful to them or avoid them altogether.

How do you do all of the things you want to do while avoiding the "push-too-hard-then-crash" cycle that is so common? It can be difficult to figure out a daily level of functioning that doesn’t result in flare-ups.

Pacing is the way to feel productive and engaged with life without overdoing it.

There is an art to pacing and you will learn it here, in this course.

You’ll get: A self-paced video course and downloadable guides that address:

  • Module 1: How pacing stops the boom-bust cycle
  • Module 2: Overdoing it on good days? When too much becomes too much
  • Module 3: So much to do, but how much CAN you do? Being active without crashes
  • Module 4: When is the boom worth the bust and other successful strategies for maintaining good energy management

Dr. Anna Redmond
Chronic Pain Educator for Women

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    This course is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not medical, mental health or healthcare advice. Although Anna Redmond is a Clinical Psychologist, licensed in the state of California, she is not acting in that capacity here. Anna Redmond is acting as a chronic pain educator, not as a licensed medical health professional, mental health professional, or in her professional capacity as a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. The information presented here is not intended to diagnose, treat, heal, cure or prevent any illness, medical condition or mental or emotional condition. Working with us is not a guarantee of any results. Anna Redmond, LLC owns all copyrights to the materials presented here unless otherwise noted.